Georgia Wilding

Member of the month for March Georgia Wilding has consistently trained hard both at the club and around her work shifts at the hospital throughout the dark winter months and it has certainly paid off with her running a fantastic marathon Personal Best of 3.33 in Rome on top of several other PB performances.

Here, we find out more about Georgia and try to discover the secrets behind her success.

Georgia, tell us what have you been up to recently?

My biggest recent challenge was the Rome marathon. I have a love hate relationship with marathons and before this I’d only done one I felt went right (no hitting the wall). All but one long run I had to do on my own because shifts and Sunday long runs don’t add up! But on the day it came together, fuelling, weather, the course and I felt really good! Topped off with a 20 minute PB it’s probably my favourite ever race.

What is your proudest running achievement?

Beating my 5k, 10k, 1/2 and marathon PBs in under a year in 2022/23! I think being slightly better with nutrition and protein helped me with this as well as consistent strength training because I think I did the same kind of running!

Top tips for nutrition and protein?


What is your ideal pre-race snack/breakfast?

Porridge – ideally the oat pantry chocolate orange one which is now impossible to get outside of Christmas!

What is your ideal post-race snack/meal?

Anything and everything! Probably a burger and a huge bar of dairy milk!

Are you a hot or cold weather runner?

Definitely cold – can’t cope with humidity! But cold and dry is nice, no wind.

Flat course or hills?


Long or short distance?

Long – half marathon is my golden distance.

What is your favourite song to listen to while running?

I mean I have the music taste of a 13 year old girl so probably most of Little Mix.

What is the main piece of kit you couldn’t do without?

My Garmin is my favourite thing!

What is your happiest running memory?

Running the GNR dressed as an anatomical heart for organ donation! It’s the most I’ve ever loved that run and the support was amazing, even the running felt eas despite being injured and wearing a daft costume.

Georgia running dressed as an anatomical heart
Georgia running the GNR dressed as an anatomical heart

What is your favourite running event and why?

London Marathon from the big ones – I used to live down South and did first aid at the event for years and never thought I’d get to run it. Locally, I really like the Anita Nott 5k – for the girl power, not the hills!

What is your biggest challenge to running and training and how do you try to overcome this?

Shift work and actually being very lazy – I like a lot of sleep and naps. But shift work just messes with your whole body clock, sometimes you do all your running in one half of the week, or you’re on nights and a whole week can feel like a write off.

What is your main training goal at the moment?

Stay fit and maintain at the moment, no big goals.

What are your favourite things about being a member of TBH?

The camaraderie, no matter the event if there’s another member there you know you’ll get a wave or a shout.

Georgia Wilding



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