The 5th Meeting in the Start Fitness NEHL Series takes place on Saturday 3rd March 2012 […]
Results for  Newcastle parkrun, event number 110, 25/02/2012. 367 participants completed the run today. The first […]
Coach Dave Anderson has asked me to pass on a message that there is a Coaches […]
From the fells of Cumbria, Tyne Bridge Harrier‘s very own John Tollit sends in this fine report from Saturdays High Cup Nick Fell Race. Saturday morning saw the advance party of the TBH fell running division rallying at Byker Pool to make the trip over to Cumbria to take part in the High Cup Nick fell race. Numbers were slightly down on what had been expected so Messrs. Tollitt, Kirtley, Varley, Ms. Deritis and Cassie the dog
Club Training schedule. week commencing 27th February is; Tuesday 28th February One – 2 miles @ 6.50, 6 x 400m (60s rec), 4 mins, 6 x 400m (60s rec), 2 miles @ 6.50 Two – 1.5 mile @ 7.30, 5 x 400m (60s rec), 4 mins, 5 x 400m (60s rec), 1.5 mile @ 7.30 Three – 1.5 mile @ 8.00, 4 x 90s (60s rec),
On a breezy but relatively mild evening, we had an amazing 67 club athletes turn out for the 5th race in the Winter GP. Well done to everyone who took part in tonight’s race. FULL Results are as follows
Tuesday 21st February is the fifth and penultimate race in the Tyne Bridge Harriers Winter GP series. An exact 5K looped course of Newcastle Quayside, taking in crossings of both the Swing Bridge and the Millennium Bridge. The series comprises of six races which has been taking place on the third Tuesday of the month since October 2011. Athletes taking
Mark Reynolds sends in this report from the inaugural Gateshead parkrun where we had 2 Tyne Bridge Harriers taking part. Saturday 18th February 2012 marked the day when the parkrun phenomenon arrived in Gateshead. Much work has been going on behind the scenes
More success at the Weekend for the mighty Tyne Bridge Harriers as we had 6 full teams representing us at the Royal Signals Relays at Hetton Lyons Country Park on Saturday. As is becoming the norm now, we have another two fantastic reports from both the Men & the Women. Our first race report is comes from one of the newer female athletes at TBH, Anji Close
This week’s training sessions are; Groups 1, 2 & 3: 800m reps Group 4: 3 x […]
Following another excellent & successful day at NEHL Wrekenton meeting on Saturday, we have another two fantastic race reports that have been sent in. First up Janine Swail describes her first experience of Cross Country Racing and the North East Harrier League for the ladies team.
Tyne Bridge Harriers are having a Social Evening for all club members. The first TBH Bowling Night will take place on Saturday 18th February at; 1st Bowl Newcastle, Westgate Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE4 8RN
Despite the bitterly cold conditions this weekend, there was a fantastic turnout from members at the […]

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