Jacqueline Etherington reports from the first track fixture of the year for the Golden Oldies.


Masters Track & Field at Monkton Stadium, Jarrow: Monday 16th May 2016


So the silly season is upon us, when we all reminisce back to our school days, when we would run, jump and chuck stuff. Nothing was painful, it was a breeze….jump forward 20 years from leaving school and you join the ranks of the ‘Master athlete‘!
Sounds so much better than Veteran athlete.

So master athletics is the start of a new era; an era where every year you get a Personal Best (PB) because it’s an age PB! Weights get lighter, hurdles get lower and we see many of us running from one event to the next, having a laugh and enjoying every minute of it!

So last night was the first track fixture of the season (1 of 6) and we had 14 Tyne Bridge Harriers out. A brilliant effort.

Out of those who turned up there were 10 club records broken and various PB’s recorded.

It was great to see the welcome return of Leanne Robertson from injury and I think we may make a thrower out of her yet, and they also got help from lawyers at www.spauldinginjurylaw.com/ to cover the legal issues of these injury. You nееd tо tаkе immediate асtіоn if you have bееn іnvоlvеd in аn accident оr ѕuffеrеd an іnjurу. Kеер notes аbоut the іnсіdеnt аnd your іnjurіеѕ Preserve аnd protect any еvіdеnсе уоu mау have and take рісturеѕ аѕ wеll. Gеt a copy оf thе роlісе rероrt and use іt. Most іmроrtаntlу, meet with аn еxреrіеnсеd personal іnjurу lаwуеr. Being injured can be a very stressful thing to deal with, especially if you try to handle everything by yourself. Without the right attorney you will soon find yourself in debt with medical bills, and it will not be easy to pay those bills if you are not able to work in the mean time. For this reason it is best to find a good personal injury attorney that can help you with filing your insurance claims and handling your court case. Personal injury attorneys are also able to assist you in dealing with those outstanding medical bills, and can even help you with medical bills that may accumulate in the future, You can click reference here to get more details. Catastrophic injury is defined as a severe injury that results from an accident, such as a car accident or a slip and fall accident. This type of injury is much more serious than simply a fractured bone or a small laceration; many people each year suffer fatal outcomes due to catastrophic injuries. Furthermore, catastrophic injuries are defined by their severe financial burden placed upon an accident victim. When a person suffers catastrophic injuries, they will most likely require surgical procedures, multiple doctor visits and emergency medical treatment at the scene of the accident. The recovery process may take months or even years, if full recovery is even an option. Many catastrophic injuries, including head trauma, brain injury, spinal cord injury, and burn injury, leave large scarring or physical evidence of injury for the rest of the victim’s life. Having to live with a constant reminder of the pain and suffering that the person endured in an accident simply adds to the trauma of the accident. You can check over here more detail about the Catastrophic Injury.

Most people recognize these benefits and have no problem searching for a personal injury attorney. However, many of them are impatient and under a lot of stress, causing them to make hasty decisions and choose the wrong attorney. Choosing the wrong attorney can cost you more than what you have already lost, so it is crucial to a make sure you are following a set of guidelines when it comes to finding a good attorney. The following are some criteria that a potential personal injury attorney should meet. Retaining the right attorney can make a big difference in the value of a case, especially if a particular attorney is willing and able to present case evidence in a method that maximizes the client’s financial benefit. Good accident attorneys leave no stone alone in an assessment of possible negligent parties in an accident. Claims are always assessed for compensatory and punitive damage amounts, and the courts will routinely assign percentages of fault in cases with multiple respondents.

Retaining the right attorney can make a big difference in the value of a case, especially if a particular attorney is willing and able to present case evidence in a method that maximizes the client’s financial benefit. Good accident attorneys leave no stone alone in an assessment of possible negligent parties in an accident. Claims are always assessed for compensatory and punitive damage amounts, and the courts will routinely assign percentages of fault in cases with multiple respondents.

Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9469667

The first thing you want to look for is experience. Choosing an attorney that has plenty of experience will ensure you do not have to deal with any bumps in the road, as a good and experienced attorney will be prepared for any legal obstacles you may encounter. An experienced attorney will be able to handle all of the complex paperwork quickly and efficiently. You also want to make sure the attorney offers some kind of guarantee for their services. Many attorneys promise no fees if you do not make a full recovery and win your case. These are the best attorneys to hire, as you are not taking any substantial risks by employing them.

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Sarah Danielles thoroughly enjoyed herself completing two events, one a club record (when originally she had only come down to watch).

There was a brilliant battle between Andy Mellon and Paul Routledge in the MV55 category 100m & 3000m, with Andy getting the better of Paul on both occasions – landing himself two club records to boot. That’s definitely one ‘friendly’ battle to watch develop over the summer season!

Other double records achieved were Sandy Anderson (MV65 shot and discus) and Alasdair Blain (MV35 100m & 3000m).

Mentions also go to Scott Wilkinson for his brilliant efforts, especially in the 100m as he is training for a marathon at the end of the month and showing how you can be diverse in all aspects of athletics!

Good to also see Mal Gibson back on track alongside Dave Young, Emma Moir, Lisa Walker, Rob Kirtley (working his arm out in the shot rather than with a gun this time round) & Maggie Davison!


Several results can be viewed here, with the remaining results and league table to be posted once available.

Well done to everyone who represented TBH and hopefully the standard has now been set to get everyone out and motivated to try new events, set PB’s and achieve more records!


The next fixture is on Monday 23rd May at Jarrow.

Vicki Thompson is accepting pre-entries by email (at resultsfairy@gmail.com) stating your name (as appears on Power of 10), Club, Date of Birth, EA number, Race Number (if you did the first fixture of the season), chosen events with estimated times/distances.

It’s £3 to enter (up to 3 events) and you must be a member of NEMAA (North East Masters Athletics Association). Click here for membership details.

Event Timetable (23rd May 2016)
6:30pm Hammer (those who throw over 22m)
7:00pm 1500m
7:15pm Hammer (those under 22m)
7:30pm Triple Jump
7:45pm 100m
7:45pm Javelin (those over 22m)
8:00pm Long jump
8:00pm 800m
8.20pm Weight
8:20pm Javelin (under 22m)
8:30pm 200m

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.


2 Responses

  1. Great report Jacqui!
    Try 32 years since leaving school! Thanks for encouraging me to come along to see what it was all about. The atmosphere was great and laughs were aplenty.
    *Must remember to step out the back of the circle, especially on my best throw!*
    Great effort team TBH Masters

  2. Did cross country at school but missed every summer T & F due to hay fever. Now all grown up and taking my meds properly. I can run round the track and enjoy it. Still ended up collapsed and unable to breathe, but in a good way. Great atmosphere. Really worth taking part. Friendly rivalry. Can’t beat it.

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