Congratulations to all the club members who completed the 2013 Great North Run.


Stuart Dickson offers some thoughts on this year’s event.

The reported gale force winds and driving rain never materialised (are the Met office using Mr Rooney’s Metrological forecasting techniques now?)   Revealed morning of slight winds with drizzle, the throng of runners nearing the race start more impressive as ever, The jog to the baggage buses with a few minutes to spare all part of the annual warm up routine, seeing familiar faces more of a recent occurrence since joining the TBH family, celebrity spotting not really my thing but a high five from Christine at the start would of been a nice distraction.

The over price debates continues with the GNR and the point has credence, but the atmosphere the money generated for charities and the positive publicity for the area levels the sands of scales, especially since the various so called fly on the wall tv programs doing the rounds at the moment showing the not so pleasant side to our beloved north east.

The start with what must be one of the best line ups in a long time with Mo, Haile and Bekele in the elite male race, with the latter just holding off Mo for a fantastic finish.

3 running legends

3 running legends


Mile one a frantic oggy oggy oggy induced haze, mile two slower but the iconic Tyne Bridge slowing the pace with rivers view, mile 3 faster passing Gateshead stadium then miles 4 to 5 the slow climb upto the highest point of the course then dropping down to mile 6 and to 8 with wind firmly behind and rain to cool the pace quickens the lactic not yet squeezing the legs, mile 9 a deceptive incline, decision of the race to take water or not, taken without feeling the thirst two quick gulps the bottle discarded the pace drops wrong decision, mile 10 and the top of John Reid Road the lactic starts to appear and mile 11 the worst part of the route a slow leg sapping incline wishing for the view of the North Sea eventually appearing and the short drop to the bottom of the Coast Road Bank, Mile 12 the never ending mile just one more mile to the end the brain willing the legs to quicken the legs disagreeing threatening to go on a go slow with anymore prompting. The crowds shouts and cheering always bring the race end to a crescendo, 400 meters then 200 meters to go ok the sprint is on for the final few hundred meters Mo ‘esk inspired chase to the final timing chip meets time recording mat.. 1hr 42mins 11 secs.. not the sub 1hr 40 I was looking for but still 9 min pb from last years GNR.

Weeks leading up to the big day the brain & legs in agreement after six attempts maybe this will be the last year I enter…but the day the atmosphere the chance to run the same race at the same time as top athletes (which other sport give mere mortals like myself that chance?) we’ll see, the brain has higher authority than the legs.


Finally congratulations to all TBH who completed, PB and cheered on all the runners in the 2013 GNR



Rachel Adamson01:54:02
Henrik Aicher01:34:17
Gail Allan02:12:20
Steven Allerdyce02:12:20
Alexander Anderson02:15:30
Bryan Ankers01:52:54
Michelle Ankers02:25:25
Christopher Bartlett01:47:00
Gemma Brady01:57:32
Nicola Brady01:55:14
Emma Brannan02:46:48
Adrian Brooks01:37:01
Emma Brooks02:10:22
Shaun Brown01:15:29
Neil Capstick01:47:44
Charlotte Carpenter01:44:31
George Caulkin01:48:09
Kevin Cheetham01:57:34
Lizzy Clamp01:51:26
Anji Close01:54:54
Euan Clubbs01:30:38
Sinead Coffey01:55:20
Lynne Cornell02:05:23
David Daniels01:44:31
Natalie Dawson02:01:48
David Dickson01:29:43
Laura Dickson02:09:55
Stuart Dickson01:42:11
Colin Dilks01:37:36
Julie Dougal01:56:59
Suzanne Dunn02:23:54
Kym Eden01:30:34
Paul Gibson01:39:37
Chris Graham01:23:30
Elliott Hails01:23:38
Andy Harrison01:24:14
Steffen Haugk01:51:07
Craig Hodgson01:23:09
John Hurse01:22:39
Ian Jackman01:19:53
Kevin Jeffress01:14:39
Gary Jones01:17:03
Graham King01:37:37
James Knox01:45:04
Elspeth Lawson01:50:17
Andy Lisle01:32:42
Alex Lockwood01:24:57
Sophie Marr01:26:45
Lucy Matheson01:36:06
Nicola McLaughlin02:07:49
Jon Moss01:30:13
Susan Mullinger02:08:06
Christopher Murther01:48:53
Claire Norman02:06:15
Phillippa Nichol01:44:25
Natalie Ohlson01:49:03
Christopher Parkin01:57:35
Rebecca Parkin01:51:57
Nick Pearson01:32:42
Kerry Reed01:41:04
Guy Rintoul01:32:01
James Robson01:29:32
Conrad Scott01:33:35
Phil Scott01:46:38
Steven Shotton01:40:27
Kelly Spence02:12:41
Gavin Townsend01:46:50
Matt Walker01:46:44
Michael Walls01:38:42
Sophie Wardrobe02:04:55
Denise Waugh01:57:51
Scott Wilkinson02:08:18
Rob Wishart01:22:47
David Young01:26:00



On a fabulous weekend of running, the BUPA Great North 5k kicked off proceedings.

Well done to the following members.

Alan Hodgson17:57
Jon Moss19:01
Nick Pearson20:25
Sara Sedgley29:55
Evelyn Maholam32:38


This was shortly followed by the BUPA Junior Great North Run, with Ben Priestley representing Tyne Bridge Harriers. Ben finished in a credible 14th position, clocking a time of 14:45 for the 4k race. Well done Ben.




11 Responses

  1. If your name is missing from the GNR results (or if you didn’t actually run :-( ) please contact me direct and I’ll amend your result.

  2. Great report Stuart -a perfect description of the course. Well done on your big pb and everyone else who ran yesterday.

  3. thanks Stuart, for a terrific summary of your race. the support from the crowd was non-stop from start to finish, and is one of the reasons many of us still return year after year to take part in the race.

  4. I’m missing from here DD 1:32:42 exactly the same time as Andy! Wasn’t down as tbh due to my charity entering me.

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