To all members,


Membership Subscriptions are now due for the new financial year; the new rates have been passed by members at the AGM, these now are:-


Subscription year runs from 1st April 2013 until 31st March 2014


  • ·         Senior Member £40
  • ·         Student/Unemployed/Junior & Distant Member  £20  (NB distant membership is define as someone who doesn’t regularly train with the club due their location)  Last quarter rule will apply, see below.


New members joining during the current subscription year will pay on a pro-rata basis at a rate of:-


  • ·         1st April – 1st June £40
  • ·         2nd June – 30th September £30
  • ·         1st October – 31st December £20
  • ·         1st January – 31st March £10


Important, any member who has not paid their subscriptions by 31st May 2013 will not have their UKA competition license renewed by the Tyne Bridge Harriers, the pro-rata payment system will not apply if the member has been regularly attending club training sessions and competing in events.


It is part of the club’s constitution that the committee can agree to wave subscriptions in exceptional circumstances, any club member experiencing difficulties should approach any member of the committee for a confidential chat.


Can any member who does not intend to renew their subscriptions please contact me directly.


Steve Allerdyce

Membership Secretary



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