Our Festive Frivolity continues as we reach Dave #3 in our 12 Dave’s of Christmas feature. Todays article has been especially produced by Dave Moir for the legend that is Dave Embleton

Dave Embleton

The rarest and possibly less well known Dave of Christmas, is the Embleton. With his Sasquatch like appearances throughout the North East’s running fixtures and Tyne Bridge’s training sessions, you’re a lucky man to say you’ve spotted an Embleton. Don’t be fooled by his illusive and sometime reclusive behaviour, as he is a runner of exceptional class and ability.

In fact we’ve held him is such high esteem, that in his honour, the collective noun for a gathering of Daves at TBH is infact “an Embleton of Daves” . We may try for a Wikipedia ratification on that.

Dave Embleton is one of the hardest grafting people I know, and often works fantastically long hours (particularly in the Summer). Despite the long and often hard work he does, he still manages to find time to keep his weekly mileage at 60-70 miles, even though he has to run largely on his own. I’d say that is a dedication many of us can only aspire to.

His commitment and dedication have paid off over the years. There are others at the club who will be able to post a few times and achievements (a lot better than I can) using the comments box, just to give you some idea of the quality runner that Dave is.

Come on Dave Embleton, get yourself back down TBH.

Please note, there are no verified pictures of Dave Embleton available, so this is just an artist’s impression

Dave Moir


10 Responses

  1. Dave Embleton is a legend and is responsible for the funniest quote of all times when Deka, him and I were warming up at Churchill Track the day Michael Jackson died and Dave explained that Michael ” had died of a mild heart attack”

    Get yersel back to the club Mr Embelton

  2. I will second ever word – absolute legend. Faster than a speeding bullet….
    Come back Mr Embleton, we miss youuuuuuu!

  3. 76min for GNR, 58.10 for Brampton to Carlisle, 35.20ish in Heaton 10k – the latter 2 as V40 .

    Dave Embleton is 1 of the best runners in the North East when he is on top of his game .

  4. I well remember our Wallsend days when he ran the harrier league in the slow pack and I used to pass him running from the medium pack. Oh how I wish I could do that now!

  5. I have just had had a phone call of the greatest of Dave’s. The illusive Embleton of the Daves is still banging out them miles and will be back with us in the new year. He loves the 12 Daves of Christmas and has asked me to thank all of you that were all still thinking about him. He says he is always looking at our website and through his Daughter Kerry is following on face book and cant wait to get back with us.

    Cant wait to see ye again Dave, from all TBH .

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