Six Tyne Bridge Harriers lined up at the start of The Blyth Valley 10K this morning, hosted by Blyth Running Club.

Big Mac sends this report.

The Blyth Transped 10K is growing in popularity and this was evident by the quality of field and clubs with Darlington Quakers, Morpeth, recent double XC winners Heaton to name but a few.

I did this race in 2009, so 2 years older and now running in the black and white of Tyne Bridge Harriers I was determined to see if I could improve from my last Blyth sojourn.

Conditions were slightly breezy but dry and warm and 6 Tyne Bridge Harriers started from the gun, Dave Daniels, K Mac, Micky Baker, Mark Hall, David Rowe and Rob Kirtley.

I took off behind DD, running alongside Brian Hetherington from Wallsend. The first mile was slightly faster than I wanted 5.28 as I had undertaken a perfect pacing at the Thirsk 10 miler last Sunday.

I was now in the zone and went toe to toe with Brian Hetherington for the next 4 miles and could see DD in the distance. I actually started the race in sunglasses but threw them into a bush half way through the race. My splits were then 5.46 5.48 5.50 5.49 which were similar to my similar 5 miles during Thirsk last week. Maybe I was still carrying this race in my legs but every race and every day is different.

The 5 mile marker board loomed ominously in my view and the Garmin bleep confirmed a mile to go. Mile 6 was 5.40 which proved I was opening up and finding fuel and stamina I always seem to find near the end of the race. I was now in a dog fight to catch Phil Walker from Morpeth with Lee Millmore from Birtley coming from nowhere to push me all the way. I tried to sprint the remainder of the race ,0.2 miles, and finished just behind DD and Tommy Brannon from North Shields.

I had given everything I could today and Brian Hetherington like the good sportsman he is shook my hand at the end. To be honest like all races I go into the zone and cannot recall landmarks, people or situations and all I can remember from today is Brian and I like two boxers sparring, jabbing and punching each other all the way around the course.

Results are in with PB’s for Kenny Mac, Rob Kirtley & Dave Rowe. Kenny Mac also took the 3rd V40 position too

Solid Runs also from Dave ‘DD’ Daniels, Micky Baker & Mark Hall

Big Mac

Run of the day must go to David Rowe who executed a fine PB in a time of 41:15.

Well done Dave, you were looking strong out there.

Tyne Bridge Harriers results from Blyth Valley 10K

14 Dave DANIELS M 35:12
15 K MAC M40 35:26 PB 3rd V40
34 Mark HALL M40 36:41
117 Dave ROWE M40 41:15 PB
119 Micky BAKER M50 41:20
136 Rob KIRTLEY M40 41:55 PB

results can be found HERE


7 Responses

  1. Well done lads, another successful day for us and 2 pbs . Dave R that is a brilliant time with a marathon still in your legs , imagine what you will do when ya fresh!!!!

    Top vet Kenny responded to some pressure today and came through it like I knew he would, he beat Phil Walker from Morpeth who runs for England Vets so he done pretty well :)

  2. I was nervous and excited as me and Paul ran towards Blyth as part of our Sunday run. When we saw the lads at the 4 mile marker we made our predictions and carried on with our run. We could see that DD looked very strong and Kenny was locked in a battle with Brian Hetherington – great to hear that the former club-mate ran a PB, we’re looking forward to racing with him at the North Tyneside 10k! David Rowe is looking like he could take chunks off his PB this year. Rob ran very well and continues his progress.

    We are starting to look like a club that means serious business!

    Great running!

  3. Just realised that I PB’d by 3 seconds yesterday too.. not exactly smashing it but I’ll have it :-)

  4. Just want to thank Sean and Paul for their terrific support during the race. It really helps when you hear your club mates cheer you on. I was in the process of writing a race report but was beaten to it by Kenny (not for the first time and probably not the last either haha!!). Anyway, I thought I’d share my opening intro…

    On the way to the race, I was discussing with Mark (Hall) the peculiarities of being a runner. Although we’re both nowhere in the class of say Ian Hudspith – and let’s be honest, not too many are – we probably both muse, contemplate, and no doubt worry, about our running just as much as any top class athlete. But that’s the great thing about our sport, as soon as you put on a pair of trainers you become a runner. And no matter how fast, how slow, or indeed whereabouts you finish in a race, we’re all one and the same, and we do it because of the passion we share for running.
    But whether the same logic can be applied for being labelled a ‘sportsman’ is a different matter entirely.

  5. Its easy to shout at people from the sidelines David,any numpty can do that. Its another actually putting your racers on and delivering the goods as you lot did yesterday, that does take bottle.

  6. David’s final sentence is a very gentle, but accurate, assessment of the philosophy that led to the establishment of this running club. Sporting behaviour, camaraderie and honesty are at the heart of our running.

  7. 50% of our total runners competing yesterday got pb,s, more than any other club. I know i did 2 secs quicker than given but none the less i am 66th fastest 40-45 in UK this year for 10k , more deserving athletes will push me down the table but with every breath of my body i will push and test myself to improve my running this year.

    Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.

    DD. Paul, Sean, Mark Hall, Gareth Huxley, David Moir, This is our year, Lets Do it

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