Congratulations to our February MoTM Elaine O’Mara Elaine set a new 10k PB of 60.49 at Dewsbury 10k, knocking 2 mins 41 secs off her previous time set in 2018!! Two weeks later at the Blyth parkrun Elaine ran 28.53 – her fastest 5k since may 2019.
Alongside these performances Elaine also took part in the signals road relays, her first club road relay event. Elaine has recently qualified as a LiRF and helps out leading in group 5 every week. A key member of our club
Find out more about Elaine…
Elaine: Over the winter months I have been training for the Dewsbury 10k which was my main target for February.
This was to be my first 10k Road Race since 2019.
In preparation for this race I also participated in cross-country events to improve my endurance and started to get involved in club relays to hopefully improve my speed for my spring/summer race targets.
⭐️ What is your ideal post-race snack/meal?
Cup of tea and something sweet.
⭐️ What is your ideal pre-race snack/breakfast?
I have overnight oats with Natural Yogurt, fruit, seeds and nuts.
⭐️ Are you a hot or cold weather runner?
⭐️ Flat course or hills?
I enjoy running cross-country, trail and Multi-terain races and have ran a variety of these races of the years and feel more comfortable on hills than a flat course.
⭐️ Long or short distance?
I prefer a shorter distance.
⭐️ How many times a week do you tend to exercise, are there other things you do that you think help your running?
I tend to do one club session a week with parkrun and a longer run on a weekend. I also have PT twice a week.
Unfortunately work sometimes gets in the way of training and I don’t always stick to this training schedule.
⭐️ What is your favourite song to listen to while running?
I listen to Podcasts mainly Carl Hutchinson (comedian) or listen to a audio book.
⭐️ What is the main piece of kit you couldn’t do without?
My Garmin watch.

⭐️ What has been the most surprising thing you have found since you started running?
I actually enjoy it and it is addictive.
⭐️ What is your proudest running achievement?
Dewsbury 10k!! I got a big pb on a distance I don’t feel comfortable with and the fact it’s advertised as a ‘fast’ race which would have put me off entering years ago.
⭐️ What is your happiest running memory?
It has to be the Liverpool rock and roll weekend in 2017!!
Myself and some other club members went down and ran the 5k and the Half Marathon.
I got a pb at the Half but it was a great weekend, with great support from other club members.

⭐️ What is your favourite running event and why?
Parkrun as it’s inclusive, sociable and you can try a new course each week with no pressure to have to ‘race’ it each week.
⭐️ What is your biggest challenge to running and training and how do you try to overcome this?
I need to have more self confidence in my ability as a runner.
To improve this I have stepped out of my comfort zone and entered club relays, track and field and faster road race events.
⭐️ What is your main training goal at the moment?
Sub 28 5k is my longterm target.
⭐️ What are your favourite things about being a member of TBH?
The club is inclusive of all abilities and the fact the club gives you the opportunity to enter so many different events such as cross-country, track and field and relay events.
⭐️ What advice would you give to someone thinking about starting running?
Go for it and Enjoy. 😉

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