Well done to Cathryn Anderson who is our June member of the month! Cathryn joined TBH from the couch to 5k group last year. Her running has improved hugely since then including a massive 10k pb, her first ever Blaydon race and club relay event. She also continues to chip away at her 5k time each week.
Here, we find out more about Cathryn and the highlights of her first year of racing.

Cathryn: As a relative beginner, I feel incredibly honoured to be member of the month! After doing the C25K last summer I was keen to join the big girls and boys club and have been enjoying it ever since! I was definitely a bit nervous to make the transition but needn’t have been – everyone is really canny and I’m able to run at the pace I’m working on at that time.
What is your ideal post-race snack/meal?
I’m not a pre-race eater but am very keen on a post-race pint and chocolate bar!
Are you a hot or cold weather runner?
I will probably whinge about either …but really enjoy both!
Long or short distance?
I’m building up from short to long distances at the moment but will always enjoy a parkrun!
What is your favourite song to listen to while running?
For a longer distance, I love a podcast! As long as you can deal with the funny looks pedestrians -and often dogs- give when you laugh out loud on a run, I recommend a comedy one like ‘Life’s a Beach’ or ‘Off Menu’.
What is the main piece of kit you couldn’t do without?
After six months of a sparkly butterfly analogue watch, it met it’s end in the washing machine, so I conceded and bought a Garmin 45s. An obvious one for most in the club, but a real game changer for a beginner! I still haven’t mastered the art of programming in the club sessions before I go yet though!
What has been the most surprising thing you have found since you started running?
I think the most surprising thing has genuinely been how lush everyone in the club is. There are so many people to ask advice from and there’s always someone to have a chat with on the warm-up mile!
What is your favourite running event and why?
So far, my favourite running event has been the Blaydon Race, made so by the atmosphere at the start, the support along the way and, importantly, the beer/stottie combo at the end!
What is your main training goal at the moment?
At the moment I’m training for my first Great North Run…with the aim of getting over the line at some stage and enjoying the atmosphere along the way!
What are your favourite things about being a member of TBH?
My favourite part of being a member is wearing the black and white top on race day! Even if you don’t know anyone coming along to support, you can always hear ‘come on Tyne Bridge!’ from the sidelines.
What advice would you give to someone thinking about starting running?
Find a group (like the TBH C25K) to be part of who are working towards the same goal. Having your own little goals after this and joining in with different races as well as the club sessions when you are able helps to keep you going!

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