Alison Ennis

Congratulations to the brilliant Alison Ennis who was our May member of the month. Alison tirelessly represents the club across a range of events. She is particularly committed to track and field, entering every event possible to gain points for the club (running, jumping and throwing!). Alison attends both the NEMAA and the regular T&F league. She also ran a 10K PB at the Clive Cookson of 45.51.

Here, Alison tells us about her training, how she got into running, what inspires her and more…

I was one of those people, thinking that running wasn’t my thing and had been decidedly average at it at school. But, having been persuaded by Neil C to do a Park run, I absolutely loved it and so joined TBH to try and get faster. In August 2019, I was warmly welcomed to the club by David Daniels and started in Group 4 with two amazing leaders at the time Claire Norman and Graeme King (I know they’re all amazing). Being part of such an inclusive club has meant that I’ve been able to try more than just park runs and am now loving track and field and middle distances.

Flat courses or hills?

I’d always vote for a flat course, but to be able to run around places like Kielder I don’t mind a few uphill sections, as long as there are some great downhill bits!

Long or short distance?

Really, really short! The 100m, 200m and 400m are just great fun, like being a child again, just running as fast as you can.

How often do I exercise?

Usually every other day…I’ll run, bike, or go on the turbo trainer. I’m also trying to build a habit every morning to do 5 mins of strength and conditioning…sit ups, plank and a bit of stretching.

My favourite piece of kit?

Tracking my progress feels like part of the training or the race now, so couldn’t do without my watch and Strava.

Thinking about getting involved in track and field?

I would absolutely recommend giving it a go. It’s like going back to school sports day. You still get nervous, but everyone is so supportive, the atmosphere is wonderful and it’s something different and fun… there are athletes across all abilities, everyone is encouraged, and you get the opportunity to chat to your teammates and other club members.

If you’re over 35, then NEMMA is a must. I have been so inspired by athletes of all ages, 80 years + still burning up the track….something to aim for :-)

My inspiration

So many people have encouraged me, but I guess I have to say my namesake Jessica Ennis-Hill. Sprinting, jumping and throwing and what an ambassador for our sport.

My proudest achievement

Being part of a double club record for the 100m and 400m relays last year at Monkton track.

Happiest running memory

The Kielder duathlon last year, running in torrential rain! It’s also my favourite running event so far, it’s just so beautiful.

Training goal at the moment

Tomorrow (as I’m writing this) I’m doing my first Standard distance duathlon at Windermere. I don’t think I’ve done enough training, as always, but it’ll be a fantastic challenge…I hope!

(Update: Alison came 3rd in her age category in this race and was 10th woman overall, well done Alison!)

My biggest challenge to training and running

It’s the two ‘Ws’…work and wine. I squeeze my training in between the two.

My favourite thing about being a member of TBH

The positivity, its infectious.



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