Member of the Month for August recently passed her Leader in Running Fitness course, specialising in fell running, and is now a regular and much valued leader of Group 4, as well as a frequent helper at TBH Junior sessions and standing in for the club captains in distributing race numbers. A long standing club member (since 2013 I think?), congratulations go to Claire Norman. In August, she took part in the Durham Summer Relays and achieved a PB at the Jelly Tea 10 Miler. Claire is happiest in the hills and on trails but has also worn the TBH vest in road, track and cross country events.

Claire running at Newbiggin-by-the-sea parkrun

Other nominations this month were for Matt Walker, who ran an excellent PB in difficult, windy conditions at the Watergate 5k; Claire Wynarczyk, who ran her 100th parkrun after many years of regular parkrun volunteering, and Kathryn Stevenson, for excellent performances at the Tri on the Tyne 5k, the Quayside 5k and the Morpeth 10km. Well done to all.

A reminder that you can nominate someone for member of the month at any time during the month by emailing Adam. We encourage nominations from all groups. Nominations can be for race performances or for contributing to the club in some way. Committee members and the previous 12 months’ winners are not eligible.


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