Congratulations to TYNE BRIDGE HARRIERS, winners of the 2014/15 Start Fitness North East Harrier League
Two fantastic results at the final fixture of the season (the men and women both finished 2nd in their respective races) saw the club clinch both the Men’s and Ladies titles for the 1st time.
In Tyne Bridge Harriers’ four years of existence, the club and its members have won their fair share of medals, both individually and in team events. And usually it’s the same, small group of members winning the prizes.
But winning the Harrier League is different. It’s not about the four or five fastest members in the club, or those who can run in excess of 30 miles in a race. It’s about Group 1 runners starting from the fast packs, working tirelessly to finish as high as possible in the results; it’s about Group 2 & 3 members filling the counter positions and challenging themselves in the higher packs; and it’s about Group 4 & 5 runners finishing above other club runners and denying them valuable finishing points.
But above all, it’s about members coming together as a collective unit, supporting each other and contributing towards a single goal – winning the title!!
Well done everyone who played their part

TBH Ladies at Wrekenton
Wrekenton results can be found here for the men and here for the ladies.
5 Responses
Awesome- proud day for TBH
Fantastic effort from everyone involved, Men & Women’s titles within 4 years of inception, Well done. ;o),
Fantastic achievement for a new club. Well done everyone.
Just seen this
>where’s the rest of it? Good work everyone; good times!