Please find below the details of Tyne Bridge Harriers AGM 2012


Friday 3rd February 2012

Chillingham Arms, Heaton
@ 19:30 for 20:00 prompt start
89 – 91 Chillingham Road, Heaton, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE6 5XL

In accordance with Section 9 of the club constitution, I hereby give formal notice of the Annual General Meeting. Any member wishing to submit a motion for inclusion on the agenda must do so no less than seven days prior to the date of the AGM.

K MacPherson (Honorary Secretary

9. Annual General Meetings

“The Club Secretary will give notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM). Not less than 21 clear days notice shall be given to all members. The AGM will receive a report from officers of the Management Committee and a statement of the audited accounts. Elections of officers and committee will take place at the AGM. All members have the right to vote at the AGM. The quorum for AGMs will be 25% of total current and paid-up members. All motions shall be accepted by a majority of votes cast by those present. Proxy voting is not permitted, unless otherwise approved by the management committee.”

We urge all Tyne Bridge Harriers members to attend this, our very first AGM.

It is important as the AGM will allow members to hear reports from the Committee on the achievements and work of the club over the year. To elect the Committee for the next year & to make any changes to the constitution.

The AGM will also be an opportunity to meet & chat with friends in a social environment too.

If you have any questions about the AGM, please comment below and someone will help out.


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