Sean Kelly sends in this superb report on yet another superb & historic day out for Tyne Bridge Harriers

Straight in at NUMBER ONE!

Never in the history of the North-East Harrier League has a club in Division Three won, outright, the team competition. Until now that is… We did it! With many of our fastest runners unavailable, the men won the team competition, beating Gateshead by only 4 points. Every place gained over the six miles counted towards this historic victory. The women’s team, made up, mostly of runners who were making their first venture into cross country running, chalked up a fabulous result which placed them 3rd in division 2. A charge for promotion must be the target this season.

I heard several of our newer members express their surprise at the size of this event. In a nature reserve in East Cramlington, a sea of tents, flags, runners and supporters were gathered. I have always enjoyed the friendly craic that ensues when athletes from all of the different clubs gather together on these occasions.


As the gun cracked to start the combined under 11 and 13 year old boys, we raced across to shout support for the (long term) member of the club Leodhais. He was running against lads who were older, bigger and physically stronger. Did that bother our young star? No way! He ran with a maturity and assurance that will stand him in good stead as he progresses through the age groups.

Victoria Waugh

He finished the race in 26th position (out of 50). A stern test against older runners, but one he came through with flying colours.

Next up was our other young gladiator, Victoria Waugh. Still working her way back to full fitness after injury, she battled hard through the field with her mam shouting herself hoarse. This will be a useful stepping stone for Victoria as she works herself back to full fitness. We will enjoy watching her progress in the rest of the Harrier League races.

2nd & 4th at Cramlington .. Jack & Sparrow.. ‘Tyne Bridge Pirates’

The men lined up with an air of quiet confidence. Kenny had predicted that the team would win outright. His judgement was spot on. From the gun, Jack and Sparrow were at the sharp end of the competition. What a sight, the black and white vests were up and flying. A club that did not exist at the start of the last cross country season represented by two runners who have never run for any English club other than TBH.

Sean Kelly

I kept an eye on them for as long as I could but they soon were out of my sight. The course was fairly fast with no serious hills or mud. I was locked in a battle with our friend, Brian Hetherington (Wallsend Harriers) and I was wondering what was happening ahead and behind me. It was hard to see as there were so many twists and turns. The support all of the way ‘round was exceptional. The lasses must have worn themselves out running around and shouting before their own race! I was lifted by my little boy’s shouts of, “Go on, Tyne Bridge” as I entered each new lap.

I crossed the line, happy with my performance and eager to find out what had happened ahead and behind me. Well, Jack had made a real mark on the North-East running scene. Silver medal position in his very first race! Sparrow showed that his PB in the 5K last week was a sign of a huge step up in class. He secured 4th spot with a blistering final 400 metres.

Andy Harrison

Andy Harrison, running his first cross country race since school days, showed his class with a 38th position finish. There is certainly more to come from this runner who has quietly worked his way to be one of the men that we will be looking to this season for performances that will gain us promotion.


Super-vet, Kenny Mac ate up the ground today. His run of form continued with a swashbuckling performance that put him in 5th position for the veterans’ individual competition. Note that he was only 20 seconds of 1st place! Running from the medium pack he cut his way through the field to finish in 44th position.

Dave Moir

Run of the day for the men was from (in my opinion) Dave Moir. He also ran from the medium pack and finished in 80th overall. He is in the best form that I have ever seen him in and he relished the blood and guts of cross country. The look on his face seemed to say, “Is that all you’ve got? Make it tougher next time!”

Keith Smith

Keith Smith also chased down many runners who had a 2 1/2 minute head-start as he finished in 77th spot overall.

Every runner in the TBH men’s team who finished the course contributed to the overall team victory that was announced later in the day. Take a bow, David Appleby, Mark Reynolds, Chris Graham, David Young, Mark Allison, Mark Grassie and Brian Scott. It was a pleasure walking the course, sharing the banter and running alongside each and everyone of you.

We barely had time to wipe our brows before the ladies stepped onto the stage and delivered a performance that put the icing on the TBH cake. Joy Fenwick led the charge on the first lap. She was in the top ten before her body wouldn’t respond to what her heart was telling her. She is a top class runner who just needs a little more time and training. WE WANT TO SEE YOU BACK TO WHERE YOU BELONG! Joy said that this was a, “Wake up call.” She knows that she is lacking fitness but the fire is back in her belly and we will see some wonderful performances before the season is out.

Emma Moir

With Joy out of the race, it was a thrill to see the growing strength in depth of the women’s team. Emma Moir

Carolina-Sassy Freeman

had to match the performance of Dave and she did so by leading the black and whites with a superb 24th position finish. Another contribution to the day was her providing the lads and lasses with homemade flapjacks after the race. Brian Scott will have to bring his pies to the next fixture!

Carolina-Sassy Freeman was a revelation in her first outing for TBH. She was smiling for most of the race (surely she’s not trying hard enough?). She is working her way back to full fitness but put down a tremendous marker and chased Emma home securing 42nd position.

Lisa Walker & Kerry Reed

The ever-reliable Kerry Reed was as classy as ever and seemed to hardly break into a sweat as she crossed the line just inside the top 60.

Lisa Walker continues her journey back to the sort of form that won her prizes in previous Harrier Leagues. It’s fair to say that she never looks happy during a race but she assured me that she DID enjoy the 4 miles across the fields.

The women’s team finished 3rd in their division out of ten teams. A few months ago, we would have been glad just to finish a team but to be in a battle for promotion right from the first race… well we were in a field of dreams today.

Tyne Bridge Harriers Ladies Team @ Cramlington

Many of our newer members found out something that we hadn’t mentioned before the race… It’s really hard running cross country! Four miles across fields is a LOT harder than running on the roads. You all did us proud – Denise Waugh, Caroline Clapp, Megan Walsh, Samantha Collier, Judith Smith and Sarah Kipling. You have all set a benchmark today and you will all improve as the season progresses. A fabulous team spirit and the bottom line is, are you looking back on today with a smile? I know that you are – CONGRATULATIONS!

Sean Kelly

Tyne Bridge Harriers Results

NEHL - Cramlington: TBH Under 13's Boys


NEHL - Cramlington: TBH Under 15 Girls


NEHL - Cramlington: TBH Mens Results

22SeanKELLYSlow (Vet)36:52
38AndyHARRISONSlow (Vet)37:32
77KeithSMITHMedium (Vet)38:42
80DaveMOIRMedium (Vet)38:48
107DaveAPPLEBYMedium (Vet)39:27
160MarkREYNOLDSSlow (Vet)40:30
212DaveYOUNGSlow (Vet)42:20
340MarkGRASSIESlow (Vet)51:22
341BrianSCOTTSlow (Vet)51:27
347MickyDUFFSlow (Vet)53:57

NEHL - Cramlington: TBH Ladies Results

24EmmaMOIRSlow (Vet)29:42
42Carolina-SassyFREEMANSlow (Snr)30:21
59KerryREEDSlow (Vet)30:49
60LisaWALKERSlow (Vet)30:51
68CarolineCLAPPSlow (Snr)31:22
92MeganWALSHSlow (Snr)32:47
119SamanthaCOLLIERSlow (Vet)35:56
122JudithSMITHSlow (Snr)36:25
127SarahKIPLINGSlow (Snr)37:20

17 Responses

  1. Tremendous result Tyne Bridge, very well done!
    Welcome to the NEHL.

    Best Wishes
    Paul Ryder
    Jesmond Joggers

    • thanks very much Paul.. & well done to JJ yesterday too. we are looking forward to the rest of the season. see you at Farringdon

      Rob Kirtley

  2. Cracking report Sean, and you’re spot on about it being a great team performance. To do well in harrier league a club needs strength in depth of quality runners and that’s what we demonstrated on Saturday.
    We’ve set the bar for the season ahead.

  3. As someone who’s been involved with the sport for (too!) many years, this achievement is almost too good to believe! To compete for the first time as a club in the Harrier League and to win the fixture outright is without precedent. It is a marvellous statement of intent on behalf of the club and fantastic reward for all of the effort and energy that makes this club so unique. Well done everyone!

  4. great report Sean. THIS was a fantastic day for TBH on so many levels. I was so proud of everyone who took part. It is a fantastic start to the XC season.. Let’s keep the same level of commitment, dedication and energy up for the rest of the meetings.. WELL DONE EVERYONE..

    I can’t wait to be back to full fitness to play a more active part.

  5. Great report Sean – capturing the day brilliantly. Thanks also to the many supporters of TBH who weren’t running but were busy shouting, child-minding, providing food and drink and keeping spirits high. Good stuff from all levels of the club right through the groups.

    If you didn’t make it along to this one then you KNOW you have to be there next time!

  6. When I first looked at the results I had to do a double take, for once words failed me what a brilliant effort by everyone,you have all done the club proud. It is a pleasure to represent you all as the shadow sec.
    Once again well done to everyone

  7. amazing achievement fellas! when Apples told me you’d won, I thought he meant the 3rd division race. Mr Moir put me in the picture this morning! A-VAN-TI!!

  8. I have taken some time to post this comment as the enormity of what we have achieved in such a short period of time hadn’t sunk in.
    Like Chris and Micky, I have been involved in local athletics for quite a while, nearly 30 years in my case. In that time I represented my pervious club, Elswick, in National Championships won team prizes in local races on numerous occasions, trained with Olympic and national athletes but in all honesty nothing that I achieved in that time came close to what we achieved yesterday.
    For a club to win an event outright is an achievement, for a club to win an event outright after only being in existence for nine months is nothing short of unbelievable.
    We should all be very proud of what has been created and what we are a part of, regardless whether you are a founder member or a brand new member. In all my time in athletics I haven’t experienced anything like the friendship and team spirit that we have at Tyne Bridge, take it from me it is special.

  9. Guys, you all did so well. Amazing news on winning the mens team – keep it up for the whole season!

    Wish I could have been running for Tyne Bridge in this race too!

  10. Loved the atmosphere, it was like being at the Quidditch world cup! (Sorry for the non Potter fans – basically a lot of tents, a lot of flags and a huge buzz)

    Fantastic day for the club, yet not to have one! Both Male and Female teams did themselves justice.

    Shame that more couldn’t make this fixture due to other commitments or races (you were missed!), but they’ll be the ones in the limelight next time – the only question remaining… could we field double the number?!

  11. Sparrow of course we can get double the numbers, on the tents and flags Brian Scott and I were interpreting the tents and flags over a beer on Sat night. He thought it was like a camping fest with loads of families mixing together, I saw it differently and thought it was battle field scores of gladiators with victory in mind, Oh Freud would have a field day

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